Big Fun: Secret Chiefs 3 nicely cover a sixties-recording of veena genius S. Balachander

For me watching this clip is big fun! The band Secret Chiefs 3 play a piece called ‘Vajra’.

‘Vajra’ by the Secret Chiefs 3 turns out to be a well done, enjoyable cover of veena genius S. Balachander’s sixties-recording of ‘Neethumahima’, a composition in raag ‘Hamsanandhi’, as you can check out in a YouTube-video (below) I published in 2008.


From the Peter van Hoboken Collection : beautiful S. Balachander veena recital-folder from the sixties

Earlier today I published a short message on great footage – published on YouTube – of veena player S. Balachander. In addition to this I thought it’d be nice to show a folder used for one of his concerts in the sixties.

Front- and backpage of the veena recital-brochure (click on the picture to enlarge, twice for extra large)

I found this beautiful veena recital-brochure in the Peter van Hoboken papers at Radio Netherlands, a small, but very fine collection I try to write about now and then.

Inside pages of the veena recital-brochure (click on the picture to enlarge, twice for extra large)

I don’t know how Van Hoboken did get this folder, but it seems to me it was either sent to him or he visited a concert of veena maestro S. Balachander himself. Neither the date, nor the location of the concert recital are mentioned, but I guess it was used to inform an audience in India, since the folder was printed in Madras.


Fantastic footage! Emperor of the veena S. Balachander plays a garland of ragas

OMG, fantaaastic! I can watch this clip all day!!!

Amazing footage of the greatest veena genius, S. Balachander. In this set he’s playing a garland of ragas. There’s some funny moments as well, revealing a bit more of his personality. His playing is monumental and totally unique. Soo inspiring and uplifting to watch this. I think serious, improvising musicians from all over the world – regardless of their musical and cultural background – will easily get inspired by this stupendous veena playing.