About me, Pieter de Rooij, and how to contact me

My name: Pieter de Rooij.
Academic studies: Anthropology, Ethnomusicology (Masters degree in Cultural Anthropology, University of Amsterdam). My graduation thesis dealt with opera as theatre of myth and ritual. After finishing university I was also educated in music library work.
Experience: I worked in Hilversum at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision as music cataloguer and at Radio Netherlands as audio-archivist, information specialist and producer of world music shows. In 2014-2015 I did an interesting project all on my own: I digitized and archived nearly 3000 Master theses (delivered in the period 1948-2006) of the Sociology and Anthropology Department of the University of Amsterdam.

In 2017-2018 I worked at Picturae, an internationally renowned company that specializes in digitization of cultural heritage.

In the periode 2018-2022 I worked at Bakker Media Center/Trigger, a company in Amsterdam, specialising in high-quality digitization of all kinds of audio-visual materials (film, video, photo, slide, tape, cassette, lp, 78 rpm record, single, minidisc, DAT etc.) for companies and individuals.

Other activities: regular producer of world music programmes for dutch radiostation De Concertzender ; music consultant ; founder of two social network groups: Raga Unlimited (on Linkedin) and Gharana – information and news about raga music and its performers (on Facebook).

* raga music
* crossmedia specialist
* archiving&digitizing
* producer of radio&video features
* the use of music in radio&video features
* writing about music
* gamelan music (Java and Bali ; I played this music for many years)
* Western opera
* world music in general

A project I did (see photo above), shared among all participants of a 2014 international conference on cultural musicology in Amsterdam – for more on this, check here.

Special interests in music: raga music ; world music ; opera ; Western classical music ; jazz ; film music.
Other special interests: literature, film, history, geopolitics and foreign policy.
Purpose of my blog: to inform you about my activities concerned with music and – occassionally – other obsessive matters.

If you want to respond or share your views you can send me an email:


4 thoughts on “About me, Pieter de Rooij, and how to contact me

  1. Hello Pieter
    I would dearly love to listen to the interview you did with Nina Burmi.
    The audio on Youtube has been muted.
    I am a student of Carnatic music and a disciple of Dr M Balamuralikrishna.
    Not sure if you know Ludwig Pesch?

    I would be grateful if you can assist with a link to a video of the interview that works.
    I am mesmerized by the singing of Nina and would really love to listen to the interview if possible.

    Many thx and kind regards

  2. Hi, thanks very much for your comment! Oh my, it’s muted, I wasn’t aware of this ridiculous action by YouTube, really disappointing. I will consider an upload on vimeo, imo it’s a very worthwhile interview. And yes, I know Ludwig.

  3. Hi Pieter de Rooij,
    Your music knowledge is commendable and remarkable. Once watching a music video of a famous Indian Violinist, I read your comment. Having a little knowledge in table, I felt really worth your comment which shows your in depth knowledge in music. So, I thought to compliment you…Hats-off!

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