23/5 BBC Radio 3 – Darbar Festival 2009: Rahul Sharma and Ashwini Bhide


In April 2009 I visited the Darbar Festival in London. Among the great concerts were those featured on Saturday, 23 May 2009, 15:00 on BBC Radio 3. The BBC Radio 3 programme World Routes brings highlights from the Darbar Festival 2009 (3-5 April 2009) in London (Pt.1): morning ragas by santoor virtuoso Rahul Sharma (photo above) and by great Hindustani singer Ashwini Bhide Deshpande (photo below).


Both artists were accompanied by Subhankar Banerjee, one of India’s very best tabla players.

A recommended listen!

For more info click here.

dsc08747kopie__Me and ragasinger Ashwini Bhide, 3 April 2009, London